HONOLULU, HI—“I’m thankful I’m going to be a nurse and it will be, in part, because of Hawaii Central Federal Credit Union (FCU),” said Jasmine-Kortney Young-Gusman, the first ever awardee of the Hawaii Central FCU Nursing Scholarship.
“I graduate in Spring 2026, and plan to continue working in Hawai’i either in the Emergency Room or in the Operating room,” said Jasmine who added that she works well under pressure and feels called back to the high-pressure settings of the Emergency and Operating rooms.
“Jasmine’s story of fighting through adversity is heartwarming. We are so proud to be a part of her educational journey and celebrate with her as she hits such an important milestone in that journey,” said Hawaii Central FCU President Drake Tanabe, who added that Jasmine and her story exemplify our mission and the community of people we aim to serve at Hawaii Central FCU.
Jasmine earned her white coat at a ceremony on March 2, 2024. For Jasmine and others in her cohort, the ceremony is the midway marker of their time at Chaminade and the beginning of their clinical rotations.
She fought through tears as she relayed her story as the first in her family to attend college. Jasmine said the scholarship brought her the validation she needed, knowing that people in the community believed in her potential.
Before attending Chaminade, she shared that she worked for eight years as a Medical Assistant with Straub where she became a certified ECG and Phlebotomy technician—gaining experience in the Emergency Room, Operating Room, and Urology Department.
While there, she enjoyed a sense of fulfillment and happiness through building meaningful connections with her patients over the years.
That sense of fulfillment, along with the birth of her first child, prompted Jasmine to pursue a degree in Nursing. She says the scholarship has really helped her meet her school expenses and maintain balance with her responsibilities at home with her 2-year-old son.